


Quora 2014年07月22日











????1. 基金的策略是什么?(量化基金,做多/做空基金,全球宏觀型基金等)

????2. 使用哪一種交易工具來執(zhí)行基金策略?

????3. 扣除手續(xù)費(fèi)后,去年的回報是多少?












????Answer by Jose Torres, I work at a large hedge fund

????Every fund has their own culture and this is probably reflected in the interview process via unique/strange questions, but generally speaking the best way to prepare for hedge fund interviews is to have a few reasonably unique (i.e., not Apple or Microsoft or some mega cap) long and short ideas.

????You should have both long and short ideas. Longs are somewhat ‘dime a dozen’ so having a well-crafted, interesting short pitch can go a long way toward distinguishing your candidacy.

????I’d also recommend more than one long and short, since you never know when the interviewer will ding an idea right out of the gate with some version of, “I’ve already heard that 10 times this week. How about something else?”

????Answer by Marianne Wai-Ying O, investment management

????I would like to add that be prepared to show a report you have written on an investment idea or case study on an industry. Effective and succinct communication is really important as portfolio managers and chief investment officers only have very limited time to understand your story.

????Share your idea about risk control or hedging either for your own investment idea or in general for the portfolio is a great idea too.

????Be very good with Excel (with macro) spreadsheets and hopefully statistics too!

????Answer by Nicholas Chavez, predictive analytics & hedge funds

????Well, the most important things for you to find out between now and the interview are the following:

????1. What is the fund’s strategy? (Quant, Long/Short, Global Macro, etc …)

????2. Which instruments are traded to implement fund strategy?

????3. What was their return last year net of fees.

????If you know these three things, you will be prepared to begin to prepare for your interview.

????Then you need to review the mechanics of #2. If they are derivative/option based, then you had darn well better understand the different types of outs and calls as well as have some reasonable understanding of the Greeks (focus on Theta, Alpha and Beta).

????Also, most funds of size will have released their performance related to standard deviation of risk and probability.

????The above information is for any job at a hedge fund, so its foundational knowledge. Now realize that there will be questions that are position specific.

????Generally, these fall into the following categories and which you fall into will be initially derived from your past work experience and/or your degree if you are interviewing for an internship:

????Sales: These positions focus upon gathering additional assets for a fund that is not yet “closed.” Be prepared to talk about relationship building strategies, CRM software and your golf handicap.

????Analyst: These are support positions for portfolio managers that generally are 100% focused on research of a market, instrument or derivative. You should know the underlying research area cold.

????Trader/Portfolio Manager: This position is past performance driven. Track record speaks loudest here, and you must be able to identify your role in the asset appreciation. Former analysts can present track record via recommendations.

????Back office: This is most like interviewing for a job in industry, though they will examine your ability to perform under pressure. In all cases, remain calm while showing intelligence and excitement.

????Enthusiasm is always welcomed.

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